what is embedded programming?

it is a mini-computer programmed with dedicated functions to work in a system

what arduino is

it's a system made of

  • 1. Integrated Development System (IDE)
  • 2. A programming language that is similar to c++ based on Wiring
  • 3. Development & Debugging tool based on Processing
  • 4. many open source Software libraries

an online resource for arduino: tinkercad

it's free to use, and saves on resources since you dont have to worry about losing electronics due to wrong wiring/inappropriate usage of electronics

while it is limited on the number of software libraries you can use, you can still do most of the coding in tinkercad.

how to use tinkercad

after making an account on tinkercad, you can use this option (circuit) to start making circuits, then the "create new circuit" to make a new circuit

circuit create new circuit

in this interface, "components -> basic" items are the common electronics used, and "components -> all" is all the electronics that can be used in arduino.


"starters -> basic" introduces you to simple wiring, and "starters -> arduino" introduces you to simple arduino circuits and programming. try exploring them sometime!

circuit interface

"start simulation" allows you to turn on the supply power and interact with the circuit, whereas "code" allows you to make changes to the code

code interface

in the code editor, there are 3 options you can view the code in.

  • blocks, which is easier for those with zero programming experience.
  • blocks+text, which helps people move from blocks to pure text
  • text, which is the main medium we will use for programming


wiring is very important. you can lose a lot of parts, money, and in the worst case someone might get injured if you wire them wrongly.

a simple circuit

first: never ever ever connect source to ground (that is, connecting the battery's + ve and - ve sides directly / without resistors). you need a component and a resistor(on the +ve side) to prevent the circuit from short circuiting and catching fire / over heating.

leds: flat side is -ve side, commonly with a shorter pin (if no one has messed with trimming the pins)

you should look up on the specifications of the components before you use it to prevent accidentally breaking something
